CMSFW Community


Education & Outreach

Supporting Young Aspiring Musicians

CMSFW2 is an initiative curated by the Chamber Music Society of Fort Worth. Designed as part of the CMSFW Education Outreach program, CMSFW2 identifies high school and college-age students who are on track for important professional careers by giving them the opportunity to perform in a highly sought-after venue for a seasoned chamber music audience. ​

The musicians are highly-gifted high school and college students who come from all parts of the United States. Their invitation and candidacy is decided by the CMSFW Artistic Director, who facilitates all scheduling and logistics. For additional information, contact Gary Levinson at . ​

The inaugural CMSFW2 concert was presented on January 10, 2018 at Steinway Hall. There have been four other concerts since; most recently featuring the Loumay Trio on March 18, 2023 at Steinway Hall.